Ey my first bloggo!

Nov 5, 2020

Hello, so this is my first story written here, I don’t think I can write too many words right here.

I personally play a lot of games, I don’t remember how much games I played and deleted, but my most favorite game is Geometry Dash because the level in this game is quite challenging and fun to play. Of course, This game has a lot of dark sides too.

More About Me:

I am only 13 y/o, and I extremely love math and programming (I don’t program that much, they just look cool). I am Mandarin, I do speak Chinese, I live in Malaysia, also network here is stupidly slow, about 150kb/s.

I don’t speak that much or publicly because I am an introvert. THAT’S RIGHT, I BARELY POST ANY BLOG, SIKE TO YOU >:D

I can be forgotten by everyone because my popularity is so tiny, even in my school, my cognates, or even in the Discord chat, they just ignore me as a normal person. I got no many friends, sometimes I can feel lonely, but I don’t care much, I got my best friend to cover me, and I am still proud of myself for to be myself, found my own pros, and enjoying my life.

Btw here have a picture of me playing Geometry Dash.

Gameplay on Sidestep in Geometry Dash




Hello, ma name is Lowzy, and I am only 13 y/o!!1111!1!! I play Geometry Dash, Mindustry, Infinitode 2 and bunch of Flash Games. (Edit: I am a gamer lol.)